

ASP.NET Core has amazing built-in support for authentication. Review the docs for specific implementation details. Falco includes some authentication utilities.

open Falco.Security

// Allow only authenticated access
let secureResourceHandler : HttpHandler =
    let handleAuth : HttpHandler =
        Response.ofPlainText "hello authenticated user"

    let handleInvalid : HttpHandler =
        Response.withStatusCode 403
        >> Response.ofPlainText "Forbidden"

    Request.ifAuthenticated handleAuth handleInvalid

// Allow only non-authenticated access
let anonResourceOnlyHandler : HttpHandler =
    let handleAnon : HttpHandler =
        Response.ofPlainText "hello anonymous"

    let handleInvalid : HttpHandler =
        Response.withStatusCode 403
        >> Response.ofPlainText "Forbidden"

    Request.ifNotAuthenticated handleAnon handleInvalid

// Allow only authenticated access when in certain role(s)
let secureResourceHandler : HttpHandler =
    let handleAuthInRole : HttpHandler =
        Response.ofPlainText "hello admin"

    let handleInvalid : HttpHandler =
        Response.withStatusCode 403
        >> Response.ofPlainText "Forbidden"

    let rolesAllowed = [ "Admin" ]

    Request.ifAuthenticatedInRole rolesAllowed handleAuthInRole handleInvalid

// Allow only authenticated acces with a certain scope
let secureResourceHandler : HttpHandler =
    let handleAuthHasScope : HttpHandler =
        Response.ofPlainText "user1, user2, user3"

    let handleInvalid : HttpHandler =
        Response.withStatusCode 403
        >> Response.ofPlainText "Forbidden"

    let issuer = ""
    let scope = "read:users"

    Request.ifAuthenticatedWithScope issuer scope handleAuthHasScope handleInvalid

// Terminate authenticated session
let logOut : HttpHandler =
    let authScheme = "..."
    let redirectTo = "/login"

    Response.signOutAndRedirect authScheme redirectTo

// Host configuration
let main args =
    webHost args {
        // rest omitted
        // rest omitted

Cross-site Scripting (XSS) Attacks

Cross-site scripting attacks are extremely common since they are quite simple to carry out. Fortunately, protecting against them is as easy as performing them.

The Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery package provides the required utilities to easily protect yourself against such attacks.

Falco provides a few handlers via Falco.Security.Xss:

To use the Xss helpers, ensure the service has been registered using add_antiforgery in the webHost {} expression.

open Falco.Markup
open Falco.Security

let formView token =
    Elem.html [] [
        Elem.body [] [
            Elem.form [ Attr.method "post" ] [
                Elem.input [ "first_name" ]

                Elem.input [ "last_name" ]

                // using the CSRF HTML helper
                Xss.antiforgeryInput token

                Elem.input [ Attr.type' "submit"; Attr.value "Submit" ]

// A handler that demonstrates obtaining a
// CSRF token and applying it to a view
let csrfViewHandler : HttpHandler =
    |> Response.ofHtmlCsrf

// A handler that demonstrates validating
// the request's CSRF token
let mapFormSecureHandler : HttpHandler =
    let mapPerson (form : FormCollectionReader) =
        { FirstName = form.GetString "first_name" "John" // Get value or return default value
          LastName = form.GetString "first_name" "Doe" }

    let handleInvalid : HttpHandler =
        Response.withStatusCode 400
        >> Response.ofEmpty

    Request.mapFormSecure mapPerson Response.ofJson handleInvalid

// Host configuration
let main args =
    webHost args {
        // rest omitted
        // rest omitted


Many sites have the requirement of a secure log in and sign up (i.e. registering and maintaining a user's database). Thus, generating strong hashes and random salts is important.

open Falco.Security

// Generating salt,
// using System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator,
// create a random 16 byte salt and base 64 encode
let salt = Crypto.createSalt 16

// Generate random int for iterations
let iterations = Crypto.randomInt 10000 50000

// Pbkdf2 Key derivation using HMAC algorithm with SHA256 hashing function
let password = "5upe45ecure"
let hashedPassword = password |> Crypto.sha256 iterations 32 salt