Getting Started

Using dotnet new

The easiest way to get started with Falco is by installing the Falco.Template package, which adds a new template to your dotnet new command line tool:

> dotnet new -i "Falco.Template::*"

Afterwards you can create a new Falco application by running:

> dotnet new falco -o HelloWorldApp
> cd HelloWorldApp
> dotnet run

Manually installing

Create a new F# web project:

> dotnet new web -lang F# -o HelloWorldApp
> cd HelloWorldApp

Install the nuget package:

> dotnet add package Falco

Remove any *.fs files created automatically, create a new file named Program.fs and set the contents to the following:

module HelloWorld.Program

open Falco
open Falco.Routing
open Falco.HostBuilder

webHost [||] {
    endpoints [
        get "/" (Response.ofPlainText "Hello World")

Run the application:

> dotnet run

And there you have it, an industrial-strength Hello World web app. Pretty sweet!

Sample Applications

Code is worth a thousand words. For the most up-to-date usage, the samples directory contains a few sample applications.

Next: Routing