Request Handling
Falco exposes a uniform API to obtain typed values from IFormCollection
, IQueryCollection
, RouteValueDictionary
, IHeaderCollection
, and IRequestCookieCollection
. This is achieved by means of the RequestData
type and it's derivative FormData
. These abstractions are intended to make it easier to work with the url-encoded key/value collections.
Take note of the similarities when interacting with the different sources of request data.
A brief aside on the key/value semantics
is supported by a recursive discriminated union called RequestValue
which represents a parsed key/value collection.
The RequestValue
parsing process provides some simple, yet powerful, syntax to submit objects and collections over-the-wire, to facilitate complex form and query submissions.
Key Syntax: Object Notation
Keys using dot notation are interpreted as complex (i.e., nested values) objects.
Consider the following POST request:
POST /my-form HTTP/1.1
Host: foo.example
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 46
This will be intepreted as the following RequestValue
RObject [
"user", RObject [
"name", RString "john doe"
"email", RString ""
See form binding for details on interacting with form data.
Key Syntax: List Notation
Keys using square bracket notation are interpreted as lists, which can include both primitives and complex objects. Both indexed and non-indexed variants are supported.
Consider the following request:
GET /my-search?name=john&season[0]=summer&season[1]=winter&hobbies[]=hiking HTTP/1.1
Host: foo.example
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 68
This will be interpreted as the following RequestValue
RObject [
"name", RString "john"
"season", RList [ RString "summer"; RString "winter" ]
"hobbies", RList [ RString "hking" ]
See query binding for details on interacting with form data.
Request Data Access
provides the ability to safely read primitive types from flat and nested key/value collections.
let requestData : RequestData = // From: Route | Query | Form
// Retrieve primitive options
let str : string option = requestData.TryGetString "name"
let flt : float option = requestData.TryGetFloat "temperature"
// Retrieve primitive, or default
let str : string = requestData.GetString "name"
let strOrDefault : string = requestData.GetString ("name", "John Doe")
let flt : float = requestData.GetFloat "temperature"
// Retrieve primitive list
let strList : string list = requestData.GetStringList "hobbies"
let grades : int list = requestData.GetInt32List "grades"
// Dynamic access, useful for nested/complex collections
// Equivalent to:
// requestData.Get("user").Get("email_address").AsString()
let userEmail = requestData?user?email_address.AsString()
Route Binding
Provides access to the values found in the RouteValueDictionary
open Falco
// Assuming a route pattern of /{Name}
let manualRouteHandler : HttpHandler = fun ctx ->
let r = Request.getRoute ctx
let name = r.GetString "Name"
// Or, let name = r?Name.AsString()
// Or, let name = r.TryGetString "Name" |> Option.defaultValue ""
Response.ofPlainText name ctx
let mapRouteHandler : HttpHandler =
Request.mapRoute (fun r ->
r.GetString "Name")
Query Binding
Provides access to the values found in the IQueryCollection
, as well as the RouteValueDictionary
. In the case of matching keys, the values in the IQueryCollection
take precedence.
open Falco
type Person =
{ FirstName : string
LastName : string }
let form : HttpHandler =
Response.ofHtmlCsrf view
let manualQueryHandler : HttpHandler = fun ctx ->
let q = Request.getQuery ctx
let person =
{ FirstName = q.GetString ("FirstName", "John") // Get value or return default value
LastName = q.GetString ("LastName", "Doe") }
Response.ofJson person ctx
let mapQueryHandler : HttpHandler =
Request.mapQuery (fun q ->
let first = q.GetString ("FirstName", "John") // Get value or return default value
let last = q.GetString ("LastName", "Doe")
{ FirstName = first; LastName = last })
Form Binding
Provides access to the values found in he IFormCollection
, as well as the RouteValueDictionary
. In the case of matching keys, the values in the IFormCollection
take precedence.
The FormData
inherits from RequestData
type also exposes the IFormFilesCollection
via the _.Files
member and _.TryGetFile(name : string)
type Person =
{ FirstName : string
LastName : string }
let manualFormHandler : HttpHandler = fun ctx ->
task {
let! f : FormData = Request.getForm ctx
let person =
{ FirstName = f.GetString ("FirstName", "John") // Get value or return default value
LastName = f.GetString ("LastName", "Doe") }
return! Response.ofJson person ctx
let mapFormHandler : HttpHandler =
Request.mapForm (fun f ->
let first = f.GetString ("FirstName", "John") // Get value or return default value
let last = f.GetString ("LastName", "Doe")
{ FirstName = first; LastName = last })
let mapFormSecureHandler : HttpHandler =
Request.mapFormSecure (fun f -> // `Request.mapFormSecure` will automatically validate CSRF token for you.
let first = f.GetString ("FirstName", "John") // Get value or return default value
let last = f.GetString ("LastName", "Doe")
{ FirstName = first; LastName = last })
(Response.withStatusCode 400 >> Response.ofEmpty)
Microsoft defines large upload as anything > 64KB, which well... is most uploads. Anything beyond this size and they recommend streaming the multipart data to avoid excess memory consumption.
To make this process a lot easier Falco's form handlers will attempt to stream multipart form-data, or return an error message indicating the likely problem.
let imageUploadHandler : HttpHandler =
let formBinder (f : FormData) : IFormFile option =
f.TryGetFormFile "profile_image"
let uploadImage (profileImage : IFormFile option) : HttpHandler =
// Process the uploaded file ...
// Safely buffer the multipart form submission
Request.mapForm formBinder uploadImage
let secureImageUploadHandler : HttpHandler =
let formBinder (f : FormData) : IFormFile option =
f.TryGetFormFile "profile_image"
let uploadImage (profileImage : IFormFile option) : HttpHandler =
// Process the uploaded file ...
let handleInvalidCsrf : HttpHandler =
Response.withStatusCode 400 >> Response.ofEmpty
// Safely buffer the multipart form submission
Request.mapFormSecure formBinder uploadImage handleInvalidCsrf
These handlers use the .NET built-in System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer
type Person =
{ FirstName : string
LastName : string }
let jsonHandler : HttpHandler =
Response.ofJson {
FirstName = "John"
LastName = "Doe" }
let mapJsonHandler : HttpHandler =
let handleOk person : HttpHandler =
let message = sprintf "hello %s %s" person.First person.Last
Response.ofPlainText message
Request.mapJson handleOk
let mapJsonOptionsHandler : HttpHandler =
let options = JsonSerializerOptions()
options.DefaultIgnoreCondition <- JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingNull
let handleOk person : HttpHandler =
let message = sprintf "hello %s %s" person.First person.Last
Response.ofPlainText message
Request.mapJsonOption options handleOk