
Routing is responsible for matching incoming HTTP requests and dispatching those requests to the app's HttpHandlers. The breakdown of Endpoint Routing is simple. Associate a specific route pattern and an HTTP verb to an HttpHandler which represents the ongoing processing (and eventual return) of a request.

Bearing this in mind, routing can practically be represented by a list of these "mappings" known in Falco as an HttpEndpoint which bind together: a route, verb and handler.

Note: All of the following examples are fully functioning web apps.

open Falco
open Falco.Routing
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder

let wapp = WebApplication.Create()

let endpoints =
    [ get "/" (Response.ofPlainText "hello world") ]


The preceding example includes a single HttpEndpoint:

The following example shows a more sophisticated HttpEndpoint:

open Falco
open Falco.Routing
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder

let wapp = WebApplication.Create()

let endpoints =
        get "/hello/{name:alpha}" (fun ctx ->
            let route = Request.getRoute ctx
            let name = route.GetString "name"
            let message = sprintf "Hello %s" name
            Response.ofPlainText message ctx)


The string /hello/{name:alpha} is a route template. It is used to configure how the endpoint is matched. In this case, the template matches:

The second segment of the URL path, {name:alpha}:

An alternative way to express the HttEndpoint above is seen below.

open Falco
open Falco.Routing
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder

let wapp = WebApplication.Create()

let greetingHandler name : HttpHandler =
    let message = sprintf "Hello %s" name
    Response.ofPlainText message

let endpoints =
    [ mapGet "/hello/{name:alpha}" (fun route -> r.GetString "name") greetingHandler ]


Multi-method Endpoints

There are scenarios where you may want to accept multiple HTTP verbs to single a URL. For example, a GET/POST form submission.

To create a "multi-method" endpoint, the all function accepts a list of HTTP Verb and HttpHandler pairs.

open Falco
open Falco.Markup
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder

let form =
    Templates.html5 "en" [] [
        Elem.form [ Attr.method "post" ] [
            Elem.input [ "name" ]
            Elem.input [ Attr.type' "submit" ] ] ]

let wapp = WebApplication.Create()

let endpoints =
        get "/" (Response.ofPlainText "Hello from /")
        all "/form" [
            GET, Response.ofHtml form
            POST, Response.ofEmpty ]


Next: Writing responses