Authentication & Authorization.
ASP.NET Core has built-in support for authentication and authorization. Falco includes some prebuilt, configurable handlers for common scenarios.
Review the docs for specific implementation details.
Secure Resources
Allow only authenticated access
open Falco
let authScheme = ""
let secureResourceHandler : HttpHandler =
let handleAuth : HttpHandler =
Response.ofPlainText "hello authenticated user"
Request.ifAuthenticated authScheme handleAuth
Allow only non-authenticated access
open Falco
let anonResourceOnlyHandler : HttpHandler =
let handleAnon : HttpHandler =
Response.ofPlainText "hello anonymous"
Request.ifNotAuthenticated authScheme handleAnon
Allow only authenticated access when in certain role(s)
open Falco
let secureResourceHandler : HttpHandler =
let handleAuthInRole : HttpHandler =
Response.ofPlainText "hello admin"
let rolesAllowed = [ "Admin" ]
Request.ifAuthenticatedInRole authScheme rolesAllowed handleAuthInRole
Allow only authenticated acces with a certain scope
open Falco
let secureResourceHandler : HttpHandler =
let handleAuthHasScope : HttpHandler =
Response.ofPlainText "user1, user2, user3"
let issuer = ""
let scope = "read:users"
Request.ifAuthenticatedWithScope authScheme issuer scope handleAuthHasScope
Terminate authenticated session
open Falco
let logOut : HttpHandler =
let authScheme = "..."
let redirectTo = "/login"
Response.signOutAndRedirect authScheme redirectTo